Crushed Rock - 1-1/4 inch minus
One and a quarter minus without fines
Where water drainage is needed it is best to specify "without fines". Below is my full definition of what I want. When ordering from a supplier you may want to cut and paste my definition into your email to avoid confusion because different suppliers use different terms.
"Rock that is crushed and put through a grate that only allows pieces of rock through that are less than or equal to 1.25". The crushed rock that passes through the grid (0" to 1.25" inch pieces) is then washed (with a smaller grid) to get rid of the fines, ie to get rid of the very small pieces of rock (certainly all the dust)."
I use it under concrete house slabs and for the drainage around the outside of footings and when backfilling daylight basements. I do not use drain rock pebbles because it is structurally better to have rocks that lock together, but it does still need to provide drainage without getting clogged up with the very fine rock particles.
The conversion rate from between companies that quote in tons and those that quote for a cubic meter is about 1.4, ie multiple the Cu yard figure by 1.4 to get the number of tons.
I used to order it from Cadman but they dramatically raised their prices so now my preferred suppliers are... Josh Roden $29.39/ton 41.15/yard for washed rock + tax Zack Erickson $26.75 per ton for fairly clean but not washed rock + tax
Cadman 425-961-7100 $30.15 per ton