Carnation Construction
Contact Dave

Frequently Asked Questions

This page will be used to post questions received by email (and hopefully answers).


Q: Why did you do this web site?

A: In order to build my house I needed to do a lot of research and thinking about the best way to build a house.  I made lots of notes over a period of more than a year.  When I had finished I found that I had written myself a step by step guide to help me not forget anything.  It seemed pretty useful so I decided to share.


Q: How do I link to CarnationConstruction.com?

A:  Either manually add...

TITLE: Carnation Construction
DESCRIPTION: Strong energy efficient green house building using insulated concrete forms.
URL: www.CarnationConstruction.com

or paste in...

Carnation Construction
Strong energy efficient green house building using insulated concrete forms.

or include this html code...

<p><a href="http://www.CarnationConstruction.com"><strong>Carnation Construction</strong></a><br>Strong energy efficient green house building using insulated concrete forms.</p>


Q: How do I know if I have linked to CarnationConstruction.com
A: Click on the icon below to see if your site is in the list.

Backlink checker for carnationconstruction.com